VIVILAND   Concert Tour  

 主             視            覺             海            報            C G I             場            景​​​​​​​
主視覺海報CGI 系列作①


The theme of the poster is the concept of paradise
Vivian turns into a mermaid at the Trevi Fountain
Incorporates some musical elements into the picture
Guitar turns into a boat and sails to Mermaid Island
Building parts turned into piano keys
coral grows bubble notes
主視覺海報CG 系列作② 

第二張主題為鋼鐵V 只要進入由鋼鐵與巨石打造的鋼鐵V入口,就可以進入奇幻的VIVILAND的音樂宇宙

The second theme is Steel V As long as you enter the steel V entrance made of steel and boulders, you can enter the fantasy music universe of VIVILAND
主視覺海報CG 系列作③

第三張主題為不敗的女神廣場 在高至雲海的棋盤廣場上 身著西洋劍服的V和鋼鐵女神V 自己和自己對戰

The third card is the Undefeated Goddess Square on the chessboard square V and iron goddess V in western sword suits fight against yourself

Client ─ 索尼音樂
 Graphic design ─ 三頁文 
3D production ─ YAGA Animation
3D artist ─ Chang Ya Hui、Chia Ting Yu
 Storyboard ─ aastalim
 Character model─ Kabi 、Chia Ting Yu
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